Wednesday, June 2, 2010

End of the Year & Summer Plans

The end of the school year has come and gone in a blur. It is hard to believe that my students have been on vacation for almost two full weeks! The day after our last day I was reading a book and laughed at a section, thinking I could not wait to share it with my students. Then it clicked that I would not have them back in class until August.

The week after school was out we had two scheduled work days, and I decided to go ahead and work the full week. Because my summer will be a lot busier than usual, I decided to take advantage of the time. It was also easier to do since it was still May and felt like I should still be in school anyway! Recently I have been able to do a lot of reflecting and processing; I just haven't had a chance to blog about them. Hopefully over the summer I will be able to post about a lot of my thoughts.

Until then, here are my summer plans at a glance:

  • 1st Week - working at school cleaning up my classroom and looking ahead to next year
  • 2 1/2 Weeks - spending as much time with my family as possible and doing homework for summer coursework
  • 2 weeks - visiting my sister in Massachusetts, Heinemann's Boothbay Literacy Retreat, and driving cross country with my sister 
  • 1/2 week - catch my breath from traveling and spend time with the girls and my husband
  • 5 weeks of college coursework for my Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in literacy
  • Back to school! (The last day of summer school is on a Thursday, and I go back to school on a Friday for teacher work days.)
I have also been making time for reading for pleasure, as always. Today when we returned from a few days visiting family, there was a box from Heinemann waiting for me with these two books:

Just as the end of the year quickly arrived, I am sure my summer will be flying by. There is a lot to look forward to, and I also need to give myself a lot of reminders to relish the summer!


  1. I have been amazed at the dates that other schools start their summer vacations. Mine doesn't start for two more weeks! Anyway, I've heard of Reading Ladders (and I, too, plan to read it soon) but not iwrite. Thanks for showing it off--It sounds perfect for my current graduate course, which is focused on literacy and technology. Enjoy your summer!

  2. Thanks again for two great suggestions! We have 9 more instructional day, and I am in the midst of a frenzy of gathering portfolios, grading and "finishing up". You summer plans sound balanced and fulfilling...lucky you!
