Saturday, May 2, 2009

Resources that Have Shaped my Teaching

In order to give an idea of the type of professional development reading that frames my teaching, I am going to start a working list of the books that I choose to read for personal professional develop. I started blogging about professional books the fall of 2008. There are many books and experiences that I had prior to my blog that remain strong in influencing what I do everyday. Sometimes I will add books to the list even if I did not do a comprehension review of the resource, as I revisit resources and rediscover all that they have to offer. I have also included a few instructional DVDs that are distinguished from books by an asterisk after the title.

My two favorite publishers are Heinemann and Stenhouse.

Allen, Jennifer
A Sense of Belonging

Allington, Richard
What Really Matters for Struggling Readers

Allen, Patrick

Allison, Nancy
Middle School Readers

Allyn, Pam
Pam Allyn's Best Books for Boys

Anderson, Jeff
Everyday Editing
Mechanically Inclined

Atwell, Nancie

Lessons that Change Writers
Naming the World: A Year of Poetry Lessons
The Reading Zone

Bear, Donald R. (see Templeton, Shane)

Boushey, Gail and Joan Moser ("The Sisters")

The Daily Five
The CAFE Book
Intermediate CAFE in the Classroom*

Buckner, Aimee
Notebook Connections
Notebook Know-How

Burke, Jim
What's the Big Idea

Carter, Marcia, Anita Hernandez, and Jeannine Richison
Interactive Notebooks and English Language Learners

Cooper, Sarah
Making History Mine

Culham, Ruth
Traits of Writing

Diller, Debbie
Spaces & Places

Dorn, Linda J. and Carla Soffos
Small Group Intervention*

Edmonds, Kathryn P. (see Wild, Monique D.)

Fletcher, Ralph
Boy Writers
Breathing In, Breathing Out
Pyrotechnics on the Page

Fountas, Irene C. and Pinnell, Gay Su
Literacy Beginnings
The Fountas and Pinnell Prompting Guide
The Spanish Fountas and Pinnell Prompting Guide

Freeman, David and Yvonne

Academic Language for English Language Learners and Struggling Readers

Gallagher, Kelly
Article of the Week*

Graham, Steve, Charles MacArthur, and Jill Fitzgerald
Best Practices in Writing Instruction

Heard, Georgia
Awakening the Heart: Exploring Poetry in Elementary and Middle School
A Place for Wonder

Hernandez, Anita (see Carter, Marcia)

Hicks, Troy
The Digital Writing Workshop

Invernizzi, Marcia (see Templeton, Shane)

Jacobson, Jennifer
No More "I'm Done!"

Johnson, Pat
Catching Readers Before They Fall with Katie Keier

Johnston, Francine
(see Templeton, Shane)

Kajder, Sara
Adolescents and Digital Literacies

Keier, Katie (see Johnson, Pat)

King, Stephen
On Writing

Kist, William
The Socially Networked Classroom

Kittle, Penny
Write Beside Them (*Book also includes a DVD with classroom footage.)
Public Teaching

Layne, Dr. Stephen
Igniting a Passion for Reading

Lesesne, Teri
Reading Ladders

Mayeaux, Amanda S. (see Wild, Monique D.)

Miller, Donalyn
The Book Whisperer

Miller, Lisa
Make Me a Story

Moser, Joan (see Boushey, Gail)

Nehring, James
The Practice of School Reform

Newkirk, Thomas
Holding on to Good Ideas in a Time of Bad Ones

Overmeyer, Mark
What Student Writing Teaches Us
When Writing Workshop Isn't Working

Palmer, Erik
Well Spoken

Pappano, Laura
Inside School Turnarounds

(see Carter, Marcia)

Richison, Jeannine

Smith, Michael W. and Jeffery D. Wilhelm
Fresh Takes on Teaching Literary Elements

Templeton, Shane, Donald R. Bear, Maria Invernizzi, and Francine Johnston
Vocabulary Their Way

Wilbur, Dana J.

Wild, Monique D.

Wilhelm, Jeffery D. (see Smith, Michael W.)


  1. Hi! What a great teacher's blog! I'm currently in a masters of ed program in Chicago and find your thoughts and resources really valuable. I found your blog because I was researching education in Michoacan, Mexico and came across an article about rural education in Michoacan by a person by the same name as you. I wanted to see if she had written anything else about education in Mexico, so I googled her, but your blog popped up instead! You don't happen to be the same person? If so, do you have any other articles or books you could recommend about education in Mexico, and Michoacan in particular? I'm trying to make contacts with teachers in Michoacan b/c I would love to spend a year interning with a teacher there before teaching in Chicago. My hope is to get to know the Michoacan culture and education system better before teaching in Chicago where almost 60% of my students will hail from Michoacan. I'm trying to better understand their "funds of knowledge," cultural identity, and academic background (sort of along Cummins' concept of CUP). Any books or articles you can recommend? Or any schools you know of that I contact? Once again, I'm not sure if you are the same person as the article, but I just thought I'd try :)

  2. Forgot to leave my email address:

