Thursday, April 23, 2009

Learning from the President

A post over at a The Reading Zone just caught my attention and led me to an article about President Obama reading aloud Where The Wild Things Are for some children on Easter. The writer, Tegan Tigani, was applauding the president and using it as a teachable moment for ideal read aloud characteristics:
Start with a connection to the book
Point out illustrations
Pause for audience participation
Make Sound effects
Act it out
Encourage the audience to act like the characters
Contextualize and reassure

It is fun to see President Obama being so visible and setting a good example. I can clearly remember examples of active administrators in various positions in contrast to those who do not focus on building relationships, and President Obama is clearly setting a precedence for a presidency with a high level of interaction. Throughout his campaign it was evident that he has a talent for public speaking, and it is nice to see him putting it to good use to inspire readers.

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