Saturday, April 10, 2010

Refining Word Study Introductions

This year I have been refining my implementation of Words Their Way word study. By far, the most difficult step of the process for me has been being able to find the time to introduce all the sorts to the different groups at the start of the week. I briefly tried having students be on rotations of different days, but with my dual immersion setting this was too difficult since I am not teaching in English every week.

This quarter I decided to try out something new, and so far it seems like I am on to something. Because my students are older, I typically have them do open sorts. Now rather than calling back the groups one at a time to my word study area of the room, I have all of my small groups spread out around the room. I give them their set of cards and have them spread them out on the floor and discuss what they notice and how they think they should be grouped. Then I circulate to check in with each group. I either confirm that they figured out the focus of the sort for the week and have everything categorized correctly, nudge them in the right direction, or clear up confusion, depending on the level of support they need.

The first week I tried this it worked pretty well but there was still some groups who were waiting a little bit for me to get to them. One group pulled out the guide cards to double check and see if they were on the right track. I realized that just as they are able to start the open sort, they can confirm with the guide cards as they wait. Then I will also leave their individual sort copies so that they can begin cutting out their practice copy words.

Overall, this seems like it will be much more smooth and developmentally appropriate for my students. At first I was thinking that I would not be able to use this as quickly with my incoming 6th graders next year, but then I remembered that the 4th/5th grade teacher has been using this all year after she asked me for support in launching it earlier this school year. Each year is it only going to get better as the rest of my school just started implementing word study about a month ago. Students will continue to come into my class aware of the concept of word study and ready to think about patterns and word parts.

It is so fulfilling to realize that different pieces are coming together and falling into place!

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